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Accident Attorney in Los Angeles
14Jun 2019

Hire an Accident Attorney in Los Angeles When Hit by Uninsured Driver

With the increasing amount of traffic on Los Angeles roads, many people suffer car accidents. It’s easy to be involved in a collision that wasn’t your fault. Another driver may roar through a stop sign and knock your car sideways. What happens if this other driver doesn’t have insurance? Most states require motorists to have automobile liability insurance. But the amount of people who try to get by without out often goes up in times of economic difficulty. Hire an accident attorney in Los Angeles to learn more about your options.

Who pays for damages?

Payment is almost always determined by the laws of the state you live in, no matter where the accident happened. In some cases, the person who causes the accident pays for it.

Other states have no-fault laws where damages are split, regardless of who caused the accident. It will help to speak to an accident attorney in Los Angeles if you’re confused, especially if you’re in an accident where people from more than one state are involved.

If a driver has insurance coverage, payment is covered by the insurance company. It’s when a driver has no insurance coverage that the situation is not so straightforward, especially if this driver is at fault. Uninsured drivers generally don’t have much money, so it’s usually not worth suing them.

an Accident Attorney in Los Angeles
If you have under-insured or uninsured driver coverage, you can make a claim against your own insurance company and they will pay you out to the limit of your coverage.

In a state with no-fault laws, your insurance provider will pay for certain damages, regardless of whether the other driver has insurance. They will pay even more if you have coverage for under-insured or uninsured drivers. In these states suing another driver is severely restricted and is only acceptable if you have suffered serious damages.

Why you need help

Even if you don’t sue, your insurance company may resort to legal action to reclaim some of the damages from the other driver and you will have to appear in court.

In these circumstances, the smartest decision you can make is to consult an accident attorney in Los Angeles to find out your best course of action. At Weberman Law Office, our lawyers will give you’re the best advice about what to do in your situation. We know that waiting too long to file a claim may mean that crucial evidence is lost. Call us at 310-396-0731 and speak to one of our experienced attorneys.