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sexual harassment attorney
24Sep 2015

Sexual Harassment Attorney Specializing In The Workplace

Why you need a Sexual harassment Attorney specializing in the workplace

Having to work in an environment where there is sexual harassment or discrimination can be extremely stressful. Many people find that sexual conversations, jokes and even sometimes inappropriate contact are accepted in their workplace as though it was nothing unusual. However, it is no longer the 60s and 70s, and businesses need to learn that they have to come down strongly against sexual harassment of any kind. In companies with a focus upon working hard, complaints of harassment might be dismissed as irrelevant, but if you want this type of unwanted attention to stop, and your boss is doing nothing, it might be time to talk to a Sexual harassment Attorney specializing in the workplace.


How attorneys can help you

Jance M. WebermanConfronting a behavior which has been the standard for your company and without the support of your superiors can be very difficult. Many people hesitate to take the final step because they fear that they might lose their jobs, or experience uncomfortable atmospheres inside the workplace. This is where a sexual harassment attorney can be vital. Make sure that you understand how you should respond to harassment, and whether your problems come under the classification of sexual harassment by discussing your situation with an expert. Not only can you feel more confident about moving forward with your complaint once you know that you are being taken advantage of, but you can also start to take the legal steps necessary to protect yourself against harassment, and against company retaliation.

Taking to a lawyer about your issue

Sexual Harassment in Workplace

sexual harassment in workplace

Before you start reporting your problems with sexual harassment to your company, you can benefit from speaking to a sexual harassment attorney. You have to take the steps needed to protect yourself against any form of harassment before you start pushing for it to be fixed. An employee may be required to report sexual harassment to a supervisor or HR department in order to go any further (unless the harasser is your manager). However, talking it over with the lawyer can help you to decide which person would be best approached for the complaint, and you can also learn what sort of information or proof you need to bring with you in order to have your complaint taken seriously. Having the attorney can also help to ‘nudge’ some industries into acting on your complaint without you having to take any further steps.


You can contact Jance Weberman at (213) 386-9100 and stop sexual harassment.