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Employment Attorney in Los Angeles
1Apr 2017
Apr 1, 2017

There are Times Where You Need an Employment Attorney in Los Angeles

It is not unusual for people to go throughout their life without having the need for a lawyer to help them with an employment issue. However, there are many times where a lawyer could be very useful to you in an employment situation to make things right or make the workplace better for you; you just may never have thought to contact a lawyer to discuss the situation and see what can be done. Many people are afraid that calling a lawyer could lead to backlash or retribution in the workplace, but there are times when you need an employment attorney in Los Angeles on your side.

Incidents at the Workplace

There are many different instances that can occur in the workplace where a lawyer could be helpful to you. If you are having issues at work where there are questions about things like getting paid for overtime having a lawyer look into the matter for you to enforce the law can be helpful. There may also be problems with things like proper lunch breaks or rest breaks throughout the day are an issue. Again, a lawyer can help to compel a workplace to abide by the laws so that proper breaks are given to employees. Other problems can occur where a lawyer may be helpful, such as cases of sexual harassment, where the work environment has become uncomfortable and threatening for you.

Filing Suits When Needed

An employment attorney in Los Angeles can be necessary for you if you are having issues with job termination or job hiring that seem based on discriminatory practices. There are many cases where people are let go based on sex, age, race, or religious beliefs, and you can have a strong case against your employer when you have the right lawyer on your side. You may also feel that you were denied a job or a promotion based on one of these factors. Again, the right lawyer can examine your case and assist you to get compensation.

A Lawyer to Contact

If you believe you are having legal issues in the workplace where an employment attorney in Los Angeles could be helpful to you, do not hesitate to contact us at the law offices of Jance M. Weberman. You can contact us at 213-386-9100 and arrange for a confidential consultation so we can discuss your case with you and let you know what we can do to help you out and make things right.